Thursday, February 12, 2015

21 Day Fix

So, I am on day 4 of the 21 Day Fix and I am down 2 pounds! This is such a great program! It tells you exactly what to eat and everyday for 21 days you do a workout program--30 mins each day. Very easy to follow (the workouts kick your but though) I can't wait to see my end results! Stay tuned.....

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Shakeology Sample Pack

Shakeology Taste Sampler ! To join my challenge for 4 days, fill out form--

Accountability Partners

Do you ever get in a rut? Do you feel like you are going to start the day refreshed and ready to go, only to have 'life' crash down on you first thing in the morning? I know I deal with this ALL the time! With 3 kids, a job and being a Beachbody Coach, life can get hectic.
I have been so flustered some mornings that when every one is out the door on the bus, I just sit there, unproductive, ready to eat JUNK! I have found myself in that 'place' many times. As I go on with life, I try to remember that I am one person and things can wait. My family is most important and when they see me crazy, I am not setting a good example.
Each day is a new beginning. I feel best when I eat right and exercise. To keep me going, I am always running a group of some kind on Facebook. I have many women in my life that I can count on to get me through the crazy times! Beachbody is well known for their support and I am so thankful for that! So, reach out to a friend, family member or someone who will support you and NOT bring you down! If you ever want to be in a Facebook group with me, I always welcome anyone!

Have a great day!
Your Beachbody Coach,
Jenifer Hill